YT Music Player Integration#
You can use this button to be redirected to the download page. It will open the repository's page in HACS.
YT Music Player Config#
You can use this button to start the setup process. It will open the integration page in Home Assistant.
Youtube Music Follow
How to use it in your dashboard#
Original Article here
Mini media player card#
By kalkih
Custom Card
type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.ytube_music_player
name: Youtube Music
icon: mdi:youtube
artwork: cover
shuffle: false
icon_state: false
action: navigate
navigation_path: /lovelace/players
columns: 3
- icon: mdi:sofa-outline
type: source
id: exterior_group
- icon: mdi:bed
type: source
id: bedroom
- icon: mdi:bathtub-outline
type: source
id: bathroom
- name: My Likes
type: playlist
id: RDCLAK5uy_mplKe9BIYCO3ZuNWSHZr48bm9DUDzbWnE
- name: Playlist 2
type: playlist
id: RDCLAK5uy_n0_d5SZbBxft3QDuk3gjp2BO1Q4H6tclU
I would love to hear your comments, or suggestions on this post.
Fixt is a Software Engineer passionate about making the world a better place through technology and automation.